Dime of the Month: Jessie

For October’s employee of the month, we are excited to spotlight our Associate Product Manager, Jessie! Jessie is best known for her invaluable contributions to our Cents community, where she actively supports laundromat owners through engaging webinars and hands-on guidance. Her expertise and commitment has made her a great resource to our Cents customers and our Cents team!

Q: How would you explain to your family and friends what working at Cents is like?

I feel like I'm one of the few people at this company who didn't get the confused looks from their parents when they said they were working in the laundry industry, because obviously my dad is a Cents customer, so the explanation for me was pretty easy. I think it's cute. He always tells me he feels part of the Cents family. That's adorable.

I always say the people are definitely the best part about working for Cent, and I feel like it's a mutual understanding of work hard, play hard. Everyone wants to work hard, but then at the end of the day, everyone's there for each other and when we're all in person together, it's so fun and everyone feels like family and close friends. And even though some of us don't see each other that often every year at our company offsite, it feels like we've known each other for years, which I always think is so special.


Q: What has your career path looked like?

This is my first job out of college, so I was Cents’ first intern actually, which is funny to think about. My path to here started with my dad. He’s in the laundromat industry in the Bay Area, and Alex reached out to him to be a Cents customer in the early days. At the time, I was looking for an internship in my last quarter of college, and then after meeting and talking with Sivan and Alex, it was a no-brainer that I wanted to work here.

I felt like the energy there was instant. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but after talking with Sivan and Alex, I felt like I clicked with them and we got along really well. There was a lot of vision and excitement around Cents at the time, and it was one of the first opportunities that sounded really interesting where I could learn a lot,  and I've been here ever since.

Q: What is your proudest career moment? 

Building the Cents community, for sure. I didn't realize how many amazing stories I would hear from different operators. Logging on every day and hearing about a new story or seeing operators give each other advice makes me so happy and I'm proud that I helped build a space for them to do this. 

Jessie-02Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?

Always say yes in work, but also in personal life. I feel like you'll never be ready for a change in your job, in your day-to-day responsibilities, but taking risks and saying yes, even if you don't know you're ready is really the only way to grow, and I feel like I've experienced that firsthand. So yeah, always say yes. I feel like you can never go wrong.


Q: What does Cents’ mission mean to you? 

Everyone in the industry collectively loves the industry, whether you're on the Customer Success team, or the engineering team, there's a mutual love and respect for all of our customers, which I find so cool. Everyone is always so excited to share a customer story they heard about. I feel like our mission to me means showing up every day for those customers so we can bring them the success that they deserve. 

Q: What’s your key to making progress each day? 

 I'm a big list person, so making a daily list and checking things off is really the best way for me to see if I made progress.


Q: Tell us one thing people don’t know about you.

I love to cook. I didn't grow up in a big cooking family, but one of my college roommates loved to cook and we would always make elaborate meals, so I got my love for cooking through her. I also have dual citizenship in Santa Marina, which is a little province in Italy. And I love to run, and I ran my first half marathon last year.

Q: A typical weekend for me is…

I'm someone who likes to keep my weekends pretty packed. If I'm not skiing in Tahoe or at the lake, I'm usually cooking big meals with my friends, trying new restaurants or going on a run. And recently I’ve gotten into city biking around too. Pretty fun if you haven't tried it.

Q: Do you have any mottos, personal mantras, or words you live by?

I don't know if it's considered a mantra, but I always say I feel like in an industry like ours, it's so easy to get caught up in the not so sexy side of things, but if you really do spend the time to fall in love with the industry and our operators, I feel like you'll find that everyone has such unique background in this industry itself is so unique, and I've found that some of my best memories in life and in my career happen when I least expect them.
